Wednesday, December 21, 2011


    Judaism is one of the oldest religions existing today.  It began as the religion of the small nation of the Hebrews.  Today, 14 million people follow this religion.  The Jewish people believe in one God, although monotheism was uncommon.  They studied the Torah which was "the Law", and they lived by it.  In Synagogues, which were places of worships, there would be a Rabbi teaching the Torah.  Although some believe in afterlife, other Jews only believe in the 13 Articles of Faith. 
     Major religious holidays for Jews include Passover, Rosh Hashanah,  and Yom Kippur. Also, Hanukkah is celebrated, in this religion. Hanukkah is a type of Christmas, somewhat.  Hanukkah is an eight day celebration, in which you receive gifts on each of the days.  It commemorates the re dedication of the Holy Temple in  Jerusalem. They have many other celebrations as well, such as Bar Mitzvahs, which is the ceremony in which a boy becomes a man.
     The Sabbath is their day of worship, and it is on every Saturday.  It is simply a day of rest and worship at the synagogue.  In Judaism, all days begin at sunset, so every holiday will be begin at sundown as well as end at sundown.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

WAC : Roman Emperor.

     I, Lucius Septimius Severus Augustus, was born in Leptis Magna, in the province of Africa on the eleventh of April, in 145.  I was the new born son of Publius Septimius Geta and Fulvia Pia.  I was born into a family of great wealth, and equestrian rank.  I was Italian, on my mother's side, and Punic on my father's.  My only siblings were an older brother, Publius Septimius Geta, and a younger sister, Septima Octavilla.
    My reign began on April 14th, of 193.  It lasted until the 4th of February of 211.  I became emperor, due to the assasination of Pertinax.  On the day of his assasination, my troops declared me as emperor at Carnuntum.  I took the position of Rome, without any opposition.  Immediately after taking throne, I executed Pertinax's murderers.  I then replaced the Praetorian Guard, with my own troops.  I believed them to be more trusted, than the others.
     I moved to the East, and crushed Niger's forces in the Battle of Issus.  The following year was devoted to destroying Mesopotamia and other Parthian vassals who had backed Niger.  Once all was destroyed, I had control of Niger's lands. I then declared my son, Caracalla, as successor.  After a short stay in Rome, I moved northward to meet Albinus and his troops, in Gallia. 
     On February 19, 197 in the Battle of Lugdunum, with an army composed of about 75,000 men, I defeated and killed Clodius Albinus.  I took full control over the empire.  Afterwards, I departed Rome and traveled to the east by sea.  The following year, I held an even more successful campaign against the Parthian empire.  I never had good relaionships with the higher authorities, such as the Roman Senate.  Although I didn't have that advantage, I still was, for the most part, successful in my battles. 
     At my time of marriage, I was in my thirties.  I married a woman from my hometown, by the name of Paccia Marciana.  Our marriage did indeed last for more than ten years, but we never chose to have any children together.  Marciana then died in 186.  Although I was heartbroken, I was eager to remarry, due to the fact that I was now in my forties and still childless.  I met a new woman, Julia Domna, and in 187, I proposed to her.  We married the following summer, and I was truly in love.  We had two sons together, Lucius Septimus Bassianius and Publius Septimus Geta.

(Bust of Severus)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Chirstmas Blog facts :

Eric David : Ecuador
1.) Holds the biggest and best beauty pagent in Ecuador.
2.) Put two large dolls underneath the trees.
3.) Children await their visit from Papa Noel.

Tyler Brady : Egypt
1.) Christmas in celebrated on the 7th of January in Egypt.
2.) Churches and Christian homes are decorated with Christmas lights, mangers, and trees.
3.) When the Christmas service ends, people go home to eat a family meal lknown as fata.

Dylan Harris : Russia
1.) Christmas is celebrated on January 7th.
2.) Thanks to the Russian Orthodox Church, it has become an official holiday.
3.) Previously, it was celebrated on December 25th.

Kristen Strawder : China
1.) It isn't a major holiday.
2.) Only one percent of China's population is Christian, so not many celebrate it.
3.) Have a celebration called, Ta Chiu.

Taylor Talbott : Fiji
1.) Decorate homes and stores, in various colored Christmas lights.
2.) Have plays, and theatres.
3.) Place baby dolls of Jesus under Christmas tree.

Haley Truman : India
1.) Use decorations made of mangos and bananas.
2.) Two hour ceremony at all churches.
3.) Belive in Kalikantzaroi, who is said to steal kids' gifts.

Amber Ware : Russia
1.) Religous Festival, instead of Christmas.
2.) People fast during this time.
3.) Special prayers are said.

Madori Elmore :  Japan
1.) Introduced by Europeans.
2.) Cook special meals, and decorate homes.
3.) Traditional Japanese food is a cake.

Shania Pennington : France
1.) Place shoes in front of the fireplace.
2.) Celebrated the 24th of December.
3.) The Sapen de Noel is the main decoration.

Krista Robinson : Morocco
1.) Instead of Christmas, they celebrate Ramadan.
2.) Usually Ramamdan  is celebrated fri an entire month.
3.) During this holiday, everyone is expected to deprive themselves of food, drink, and other pleasures.
Samantha Mason : Madagascar
1.) Even though its hot, holly, robins ,and snow.
2.) Most people visit churches on Christmas eve.
3.) After the service, the church gives out treats to the families.

Katara Pennington : Peru
1.) Family get togethers, and feast on turkey.
2.) Presents brought by Santa Clause.
3.) Celebrated as Noche Buena on December 24th.

Paige Bibey : Canada
1.) Carols brought from Brittain are sung each morning.
2.) Canadians also celebrate with cards, carols, Christmas trees, lights, and decoractions.
3.) Nativity scenes are in home.

Raychel Fitzwater : Germany
1.) Hang shoes or boots, on the fireplce.
2.) If children aren't good, they're brought tiwgs.
3.) There's no junk food.