Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bell Ringer 4/24/12

I really don't believe that video games should be held responsible for a serial killer's actions. Video games are purely for entertainment, and just because some sick-minded man used video games as inspiration to his murders doesn't mean that everyone would do that. Many people enjoy playing video games for fun. It would take a seriously messed up person to use Call Of Duty as training to kill people. There are serial killers all over the world; Most of which do not even use video games as "training". Serial killers are just people who are not right.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Bell Ringer 4/12/12

I don't think I could live without my cell phone. I could live without my laptop and ipod, purely because I can use the internet and listen to music on my phone. So, I don't think I could survive without it.

Bell Ringer 4/11/12

I think that Ozzie Gullien was very wrong to say that about Fidel Castro, because Fidel Castro is a horrible man who has done awful things to many Cubans.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mock UN Project

United Nations- deal with issues to help the world get along better; help with slavery, piracy, air pollution, fine with taxes. Each country has a representive.

2-3 minute presentation on a country; choose a problem with the world; write a resolution (20-25 lines) A VISUAL AID- powerpoint!!

question- "madam chair, will the author yeild to a question?"
very specific..
make a comment- "(your contry) speaks out in (favor or opposition) to this resolution."
make an ammedment- "(your country) prepares an ammendment"


**SPEAK 15 TIMES for full credit**

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Industrial Revolution

  • People stopped having to learn to make things, but instead only learned very little of how to make things beginning to end. Only small sections. (Few skills)
  • Instead of people having a long, drawn-out experience, their time to make things is shortened.
  • More middle and lower class could do the job.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Test Answers.

  1. The Renaissance began in this city : Florence, Italy.
  2. An interest in the classic is called : Liberalism.
  3.  Who wrote the first modern biography? JAMES BOSWELL?
  4. Who wrote "The Prince"? Niccolo Machiavelli.
  5. Who created David? Michelangelo.
  6. Where was the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance?
  7. Who painted the "Mona Lisa"? Leonardo DaVinci.
  8. What was the famous family in Florence that ruled? the Medici family.
  9. Donatello, Michelangelo, and Ghiberti were all what? Renaissance artists.
  10. Who painted "The Last Supper"? Leonardo DaVinci.
  11. Who painted the Sistine Chapel? Michelangelo.
  12. Who invented the movable metal type? Johannes Gutenberg.
  13. What is a French name for a castle? Chateau.
  14. Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg are referred to as the __________________ countries.
  15. In the Renaissance they began to paint with what? oil paints.
  16. Who wrote the book, "Utopia"? Thomas More.
  17. Who was a classical playwright whose works included Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet, and Othello? William Shakespeare.
  18. This is a change in the church's way of teaching and practicing Christianity :
  19. Tickets issued by the church said to reduce the punishment for one's sins and even future sins : Indulgences.
  20. Who believed in justification by faith?
  21. Luther nailed these to the door of a Whitenburg chruch to protest the Catholic beliefs :
  22. What was the first Protestant faith?
  23. Who was the founder of Lutheranism? Martin Luther.
  24. Who was the Swiss reformer?
  25. What is a church-run state called?
  26. Who wrote the institutes of Christian religion?
  27. Who was the founder of Calvinism? John Calvin.
  28. What is it called when God determines the fate of every person?
  29. These people believed that only adults could be baptized :
  30. Who was Henry's first wife? Catherine.
  31. Who was Henry's second wife? Anne.
  32. Who was Henry's third wife? Jane.
  33. Who was Henry's fourth wife? Anne.
  34. Who was Henry's fifth wife? Catherine.
  35. Who was Henry's sixth wife? Catherine.
  36. What happened to Henry's first wife? divorced.
  37. What happened to Henry's second wife? beheaded.
  38. What happened to Henry's third wife? died.
  39. What happened to Henry's fourth wife? divorced.
  40. What happened to Henry's fifth wife? beheaded.
  41. What happened to Henry's sixth wife? survived.
  42. Why did Henry VIII get married so many times? He wanted to have a son, so he would have an heir to the throne.
  43. Name Henry's children : Mary, Edward, and Elizabeth.
  44. Who became head of the church during Henry VIII's reign?
  45. The inquisition was brought about to restore whose authority? 
  46. This was a change by the Catholic Church : 
  47. Who was the founder of the Jesuits?
  48. What was the name of the society of Jesus? Jerusalem.
  49. The main job of the Jesuits was to be?
  50. The qualities of being merciful, trustworthy, humane, religious, and honest were the qualities of a good person according to whom?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Renaissance People,

Pieter Brueghel
- painted the Peasant Dance, which is a painting that relied on detail and realism.

Niccolo Machiavelli
- wrote a book called, "The Prince"

Filippo Brunelleschi
- designed and built a dome for the Florence Cathedral.

Christopher Columbus
- Sailed the ocean in 1492.
- Wanted to spread the Christian religion.
- Explored for Spain.
- 4 voyages across the ocean.

John Calvin
- Influential pastor.
- Originally a lawyer, but broke from the Catholic church.
- He introduced new forms of government.
- Followed by refugees and city council.
- Exchanged letters with many other reformers.
- Jeneva was the center of Calvinism. 

Robert Hook
- British philosopher.
- Originated of the word "cell" in biology.
- Developed the compound microscope.

Leonardo DaVinci
- Vegetarian.
- Most famous work was Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
- Invented and sketched early tanks and cars.
- Began painting at age fifteen.

- Poet, architect, & engineer.
- Most famous artwork was the Pita.
- Painted the ceiling of Sistine Chapel.

Prince Henry
- Third son of King John.
- In 1419, his father appointed him the governor of Algarve.
- Started the first school for oceanic navigation.
- Established a center for navigation & exploration.

Miguel de Servantes
- Spanish novelist.
- Died in Madrid.
- Wrote Don Quixote

Sir Thomas Moore
- An English lawyer.
- Recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church.
- Humanist.
- Wrote a book titled, "Utopia" that shared a vision of a society of equals.

 Louis Labe
- female french poet.
- Daughter of a rope maker.
- She died in 1566, and was buried by her country property with her husband.
- Author who encouraged women to write books.

 Gohannes Gutenberg
- Invented the mobile type printing press.

Aretmisia Gentileschi
- Painted pictures of strong women, including a self-portrait.

Martin Luther
- Wrote the 95 thesis, challenging the Catholic Church.

Nicolaus Copernicus
- Published the theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe.

Andreas Vesalius
- Published detailed descriptions of the human anatomy.

Galileo Galilie
- Created a powerful telescope and was the first to study and record sun spots.

Emvrose Pare
- A surgeon who developed the use of bandages.