Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Renaissance People,

Pieter Brueghel
- painted the Peasant Dance, which is a painting that relied on detail and realism.

Niccolo Machiavelli
- wrote a book called, "The Prince"

Filippo Brunelleschi
- designed and built a dome for the Florence Cathedral.

Christopher Columbus
- Sailed the ocean in 1492.
- Wanted to spread the Christian religion.
- Explored for Spain.
- 4 voyages across the ocean.

John Calvin
- Influential pastor.
- Originally a lawyer, but broke from the Catholic church.
- He introduced new forms of government.
- Followed by refugees and city council.
- Exchanged letters with many other reformers.
- Jeneva was the center of Calvinism. 

Robert Hook
- British philosopher.
- Originated of the word "cell" in biology.
- Developed the compound microscope.

Leonardo DaVinci
- Vegetarian.
- Most famous work was Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
- Invented and sketched early tanks and cars.
- Began painting at age fifteen.

- Poet, architect, & engineer.
- Most famous artwork was the Pita.
- Painted the ceiling of Sistine Chapel.

Prince Henry
- Third son of King John.
- In 1419, his father appointed him the governor of Algarve.
- Started the first school for oceanic navigation.
- Established a center for navigation & exploration.

Miguel de Servantes
- Spanish novelist.
- Died in Madrid.
- Wrote Don Quixote

Sir Thomas Moore
- An English lawyer.
- Recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church.
- Humanist.
- Wrote a book titled, "Utopia" that shared a vision of a society of equals.

 Louis Labe
- female french poet.
- Daughter of a rope maker.
- She died in 1566, and was buried by her country property with her husband.
- Author who encouraged women to write books.

 Gohannes Gutenberg
- Invented the mobile type printing press.

Aretmisia Gentileschi
- Painted pictures of strong women, including a self-portrait.

Martin Luther
- Wrote the 95 thesis, challenging the Catholic Church.

Nicolaus Copernicus
- Published the theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe.

Andreas Vesalius
- Published detailed descriptions of the human anatomy.

Galileo Galilie
- Created a powerful telescope and was the first to study and record sun spots.

Emvrose Pare
- A surgeon who developed the use of bandages.


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