Monday, January 30, 2012


- During the late 1000s, the Seljuq Turks, a Muslim people from Central Asia, gained control of Palestine. 
- Palestine was known as "the Holy Land" among Christians.
- The Crusades, a series of military expeditions, began. The crusades was an expedition to regain control of the Holy Land from the Turks. 
- They sewed a cross of cloth on their clothes and were called, the Crusaders.
- At least 10,000 Europeans joined in.
- Some went to save their souls.
- They believed that if they died in the Crusade, that they'd go to Heaven.
- The first Crusade lasted from 1096, to 1099.
- Both French and Italian sent several armies of crusaders from Europe to Constantinople.
- The first Crusade brought much of the Holy Land under European control.
- By 1146, the Turks had united their forces. They started taking back cities that the crusaders had captured.
- In 1147, the Second Crusade began. France and Germany were allies, but failed to regain the city.. The Turks prevailed. So, in 1149, the crusaders returned to Europe in disgrace.
- In 1187, the Muslim leader, Saladin gained control of Jerusalem.
- The Third Crusade lasted from 1189 to 1192. It also failed. When Barbaossa drowned on the way to the Holy Land, his army turned back.
- The Fourth Crusade, in 1204, they attacked and looted Constantinople, another Christian city. 
- They stole many things, sacred to the Byzantine Christians.
- The Byzantine's eventually regaiend their city, but never regained their strength.
- In 1212, the short-lived and unfortunate Children's Crusade took place.
- Young people from across Europe decided to march to the Holy Land and regain it fro Christian Europe. The young crusaders lacked equipment, training, and supplies.
- The Crusades' goal was to take the Holy Land back from the Turks. All of the Crusades except for the first failed at doing so.
- During the Crusades, the weapon of choice was the crossbow.
- To raise money, some Lords had sold their land. Without their land, tehy had no power in the feudal system. 
- Changes in trade also took place. Italian cities became major trading centers, ships from Italian cities carried crusaders to the Holy Land.

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